How a Plant-Based Diet Cured My High Cholesterol

June 27, 2011
how a plant-based diet cured my high cholesterol

How a Plant-Based Diet Cured My High Cholesterol


Vegan Day 58 – So, I just left my doctor's office. I have had severe hypertension for over 25 years and have been taking two medications, Calan & Zesteril to keep my blood pressure borderline (140/90). We have a family history of high blood pressure and my sister and her younger son both suffer from severe hypertension. Before I became a vegan, I ate healthy, worked out and did everything in my power to lower my blood pressure but the results were always the same – somewhere in the range of 140 over 90. Today,  for the first time in my life that I know of, my blood pressure reading was 120 over 70. My doctor joked that I had the blood pressure of a teenager. He will let me know at the end of the week, after he receives my blood results, which medications will be omitted.  How can this be? I have been told my entire life that my high blood pressure was caused by a genetic link and not by my diet. I was praised for taking such good care of myself and told that the only way to lower my blood pressure was with medication.  Today, I found out that none of that is true. I don't have to live with  high blood pressure and high cholesterol anymore. My vegan diet has  changed everything. The stakes are high now – there is no going back if I care about my health and body which I do. I am still struggling but it is getting easier everyday. If you or a loved one have high blood pressure or bad cholesterol – you can make a change. If I can do it – anyone can.


3 thoughts on “How a Plant-Based Diet Cured My High Cholesterol

  1. So incredible! I've got borderline blood pressure too, and was able to lower it a bit by changing my diet. So true, Nancy…love the blog.

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